Monday, April 20, 2015

Just another day at the office…

April 18, 2015

While outside this morning with Emory* catching some UV rays, I heard a scratching noise coming from the downspout in front of Deb’s office. Hmm... I thought. Was it just tree branches scratching the gutter? A sharp rap on the downspout informed me no, something was trapped.

I promptly returned Emory to his enclosure and acquired the necessary tools I would need to extract the helpless, unknown creature from a certain slow and torturous death: a screwdriver and serving tongs from the kitchen.

Scene survey. Autumn leaves that had overwintered in the downspout created a cork stopper. Neither beast nor water could penetrate its carbonous layers. I began to pull out the leaves with the tongs and could hear the animal scratching the metal pipe in fear. After 5 minutes I had enough leaves to fill an orange jack-o-lantern garbage bag (slight dramatization). There it was, a yellow and black beak and a tiny toe clinging to the tongs. Leaf removal had served its purpose, but more drastic measures needed to be taken.

I lept on top of the wooden water collection box and settled my feet among the potting plants. With screwdriver in hand, I detached the downspout from the support beam’s metal hug and turned the base aside. From the dark depths of the downspot came life. A starling shot out and flew to a far away tree. Case closed.

*note: Emory is one of our educational snakes

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

To all of my four legged friends

Working for the National Park Service, one is not allowed to have any pets of any kind in seasonal housing. This is a problem. However, the problem is somewhat mitigated when I have wonderful two-legged friends that let me borrow their four-legged counterparts. Through the years I have enjoyed the company of many a furry companion while hiking, skiing, relaxing on the couch, etc.

Gabby, Marley and Berkeley
Thank goodness for dog doors and fenced in back yards (unless the snow piles up high enough and the dog is then able to jump the fence…). Oh Gabby, your improvised crate was like a straight jacket, yet you still managed to get out and wreck havoc on the house.

Keiko’s two huskies
Although I do not have photos (nor can remember their names!), walking these two was my first time experiencing the nuances of the owner and their pets. The older dog, clearly the dominant female in the house, had to have just a bit extra leash length so to be walking slightly farther ahead than the other dog. Ok. If that’s what you want, that is what I will do on the walks. Happy dogs, happy dog owner, and happy me for having furry friend time with two adorable huskies.

This lab and I traveled many miles together across the frozen lakes and portages of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area. I remember being out for one adventure with a handful of folks from town, 5 people and maybe 6 or 7 dogs? At one point I skied off to go to the bathroom, and instead of going on and joining up with all the other dogs/people, Drake stuck back with me. Thank you bud.

Hugo and Tussock
I spent a lovely News Year Eve with these two, cozied up on the couch, next to the wood stove, a glass of Rose wine in hand, and a journal full of thoughts. Not to forget an outdoor hot tub with northern lights dancing across the sky. At the sound of me tapping on the top of the dog food container, Tussock would go into the kitchen and bring me his food bowl. Such a character.

This lovely lady dog just can’t get enough of fetch. The bigger the stick the better. Hunting dogs are so funny sometimes. I am always impressed when you tell a dog to sit, stay, toss the stick, wait a little bit, and then say GO! En route to various hikes, the inside of my car window would become smeared with nose prints. On the way home… nap time.

Luther & Hunter
First time that I dog sat/house sat for Luther, seconds after I got into bed for the night, Luther came bounding in and sank down close next to me. So close in fact, that he was pinning down my shirt so I couldn’t turn. Love. Also, while skijoring with Luther, he spotted a deer and BAM, off we go: Luther running and me getting dragged behind. There was also the time when Luther and Hunter co-ate a tub of chocolate chip cookies… (Luther is the black lab/mix, Hunter is the chocolate)

Tringa, Juno, & Murphy
A summer in Kodiak, AK: absolute magical times hiking with these dogs. Walks along the ocean, looking for sea glass and playing fetch. Walks through the mossy Fort Abercrombie, a cathedral of green, soft spongy earth to walk upon, the ethereal call of the Hermit thrush floating down from the canopy above, and three very happy dogs running off leash.

This little one and I enjoyed hiking through Tettegouche State Park in the north woods of Minnesota. Phoebe was a champ at flushing grouse. I had the opportunity to watch her as a puppy in the fall, and then again in the spring. How fast they grow!

Well this lady got me through my second year of graduate school. Nights doing school work on the couch, Bella recovering from leg surgery, myself recovering from life. We made a good pair and kept each other company. In the spring time with Bella all recovered, we explored nearby hiking trails and soaked up all the sunshine we could.


On my annual treks to northern Wisconsin to ski the American Birkebeiner, this dog has kept me company at night. Along with taking up the majority of the bed. But she is so sweet! I could never kick her out regardless of how many miles I have to ski the next day. And yes, yet another lab that loves to play fetch – even with firewood!

Sam, Karhu & Tiksha
And then these furry friends… Long walks in the wilderness, mental health time in the Ranger Station, and fur brushing sessions (it’s been so warm here this winter the bear dogs are just BLOWING their coats!) These three have taught me how to walk on snow/ice while connected to three dogs without falling, how to pick up three different trips to the bathroom all while using only one dog waste bag, etc. One time hiking with Karhu along the San Joaquin River, while ON LEASH, he managed to catch a mouse. I wasn't even mad, I was impressed! 
Sam running off leash reminds me of a flying loaf of bread. What a bundle of energy.

It takes a while for Karhu to warm up to new people, but once he does… what a sweetheart. Here Karhu is taking a nap while I swam in Shadow Lake.

And Tiksha, what a smart, sassy lady. Not a fan of the brushing, but if you lock her out on the deck…

Soon enough I will have a permanent job, which equates to a home of my own. I look forward to the day when I get to go hiking and skiing with my own four-legged friend.